7.) I am such a reality TV fanatic. Fa real, it's a shame. I am Pop Culture's whore.
8.) Speaking of reality tv, why was Fatty Koo's TV show on BET so much better than the group's albulm?!?! I got the CD for my Bday and I was too amped, only to discover a lackluster product. :-(
9.) Y are black gay bloggers just like black gay boys in real life? The chilren will find something to fight about, LOL. It's like, yo, this shyt is virtual make-believe. With all due respect to bloggers everywhere, it unlikely that the shyt we say or do in our blogs is changing any lives, at least as far as the young black gay community is concerned. As with many issues of relevance to young SGL people of color, the people who most need to be reached by our messages are hardly on the internet regularly -- and those that are damn sure ain't reading no blogs. Catch them on Adam4Adam or Men4Now.
Stop taking ya'll cyber selves so damn seriously.
10.) Y do people always gagg when they find out I am a ball kid, as if it is such a bad thing? PRESTIGE POWAH! LOL
11.) Y do I sometimes agree with them?!?!?
Can You say This again?!!!
Cool. Well let everyone know that I'm back...
where u been?
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