He calls himself the gay Wendy Williams. 'Nuff said.
Shout out to my new friend Mr. (or Miss, I guess, depending on who you ask) Trent Jackson, without whom the blog world would be much less interesting and scandalous. Most of ya'll who currently read my blog probably do so because of him, or at least you already know how F-A-B-O he is. No need to preach to the choir. But if you don't know, check him out. He does these interview thingys that are quite interesting.
So, in honor of Trent Jackson, I will list my favorite A and B list celeb rumors, gossip and interesting occurances:
1.)The supposed existence of a tape featuring rapper Loon taking it up the rear from psueduo-rapper P. Diddy. Coincidentally, Wendy Williams is the alleged source of this info.
2.)The picture of Fred (Limp Bizkit) Durst's weenie that someone hacked from his camera fone. I've got the pic for interested parties... 0-:-)
3.)Bobby Brown talking on his reality show about digging that doodie outta Whitney's tail when she was constipated. That's LOVE, honey.
3.5.) The rumor that Whitney is replacing Paula Adbul-Clark on the next American Idol.
4.)Pepa (from Salt n Pepa) on the new season of VH1's "The Surreal Life". She looks 110% better than ever in life. I'm talking fresh two toned weave and everything. I am so glad she's softened up. After a few episodes, the show has brought up Pepa's celebrity stock while bringing down Janice Dickinsons. Janice shoulda kept her ass where it was: "ANTM".
5.)FOX is making Paris and Nicole fulfill their contracts for another season of "The Simple Life." Since the ladies are not on speaking terms, FOX is getting creative with ideas for the next season's theme, including the Paris and Nicole making up and Paris and Nicole planning their upcoming weddings (seperately, of course).
Here's to Trent Jackson, bitch!
Paula-Abdul Clark....lol...Trent is so everybody's publicist isn't he?
I appreciate this so much...this has actually made my week!! You should acutally talk to SmilinOnThaDL, he is the one that dubbed me The Gay Wendy Williams
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